
Cover of album Circle of Days by The Nields
Nerissa & Katryna in a stairwell # 2
newspaper layout of Nields announcements
Katrina and Nerissa running toward a guitar leaning against a wall of mirrors
Nerissa & Katryna seated in a chair
Nields next to a piano hanging from a tree
Nields posing with a picture frame
Nields running toward a building covered with mirrors with a guitar leaning on it
Nields playing music in front of a brick wall
Nields standing and playing music in front of a brick wall
Nields embracing in front of a vine covered wall with grafitti
Katryna and Nerissa sitting in a field by a pond playing music
Nields standing in front of a multicolored wall looking off to the left
Nields standing on a board in wetlands by a pond playing music

Press releases (pdf)