Circle of Days is the twenty-first album by the folk-rock group, The Nields. That is remarkable in itself. How many other bands have been together for so long producing new material on a regular basis? What is most remarkable is that this album may be its best work yet. The versatile musicians on this album explore a variety of genres, from Appalachian folk ballad to gospel to some of the most rocking songs since the earliest incarnations of the band. The production beautifully balances each sister’s vocals, bringing out the best in their individual vocal styles and then bringing them together in their exquisite harmonies. The singing is more mature, more assured, and, to my ears, the best they’ve ever sounded. In these days in which the female songwriting voice is in its ascendency, we have grown accustomed to hearing that perspective from younger artists. What a joy to hear the same from a seasoned writer. In Nerissa Nields’ songs, she’s preaching her gospel. That’s what we want from an artist. One song ends with, “I want to write one sentence that is true and sing it to you. That’s what we do.” To that, I say, “Amen.” -Jeff Passe
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